Friday, June 1, 2007

I Wonder Where I'll Live...

This topic is extremely appropriate at this time in my life. It is something that Superman and I discuss constantly. Where would we like to live? What would our ideal location be like? And here's the conclusion we've come to: who the heck knows at this point?

We don't even know where we will be in two years; how could we possibly predict where we will be in ten? What I do know is that I would like to not be here, in DC, but Superman loves it and his job is here. So, maybe I will have to learn to love this place and will have to raise a family in a place that is so expensive it makes my teeth hurt.

Instead of thinking negatively, I've decided to do some positive thinking. Let's pretend we win the lottery and can live anywhere we choose! Here are a couple of places that I wouldn't mind living.

Option A: Somewhere tropical! How great would it be to sit on the beach all day, sip fruity cocktails, and get my feet massaged by some guy named Franz? I would have no worries about when my next shipment of fine jewels would be arriving because my butler would be on top of that for me. My home would be on top of a bluff overlooking the sparkling ocean and there would be sunshine every day.

Option B: Back Home! Yes, if I had an unlimited supply of money I would consider moving back to Indiana. It is where my family is, it really is a beautiful part of the country, and it is a good place to raise a family. My money would certainly go farther here than most other places in the world and I wouldn't feel guilty about spending a little bit more of the money we saved by living in such an affordable place.

Option C: Las Vegas! Vegas is a place that I've long fantasized about moving to. It is always such a fun place and there is always something going on. You have great weather, the Strip, the desert, and so many cool hotel pools! I know this isn't necessarily a place that I would want to raise a family, but I think it would be a fun place for Superman and I to explore together. I just know that there is more to it than casinos and showgirls.

In all seriousness, I really don't know where we will end up. It mostly depends on Superman's job and what industry he chooses to work in. Although we've agreed that we both have to want to move to the place that we choose. So, it should be an adventure! An adventure I look forward to.

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