Monday, March 10, 2008

I Wonder What My Drunkest Night Ever Was...

People, this one? Could get interesting.

Sadly, there are so many times to choose from...should I talk about the time that my college boyfriend and I drank an entire bottle of Goldschlager between the two of us while sitting in his fraternity house room? We were waiting for the OMG! moment of Spring Term that year -- The Why Store was playing a concert on our campus. This was big stuff for our little tiny school and it was quite a celebration. The evening was a downward spiral after we drank the last shots from the bottle. There was fighting, there was drunken stumbling, and I ended up in my dorm room with my head spinning. I kept envisioning little gold flakes spinning around my head a la Looney Toons.

Or should I talk about the night of Homecoming during my senior year of college? That night that my roommates and I thought it would be funny to make jello shots and when we discovered that our little sisters had cooked all of the vodka out of the shots, we drank whatever we had in our rooms. I also think there was some "I Never" and Uno being played and wow if I was not ever drunk by the time that night was over.

How about the time that my boss took us all out on the town and insisted we all keep doing shots and he kept buying strong drink after strong was like a constant stream of expensive alcohol was at my disposal and I took full advantage. By the time I made it home, I was beyond intoxicated and stumbled to my bathroom. I managed to wash my face, brush my teeth and take my contacts out before I passed out on the floor. I woke up several hours later confused and not feeling so hot. I was in bed the entire next day and there was no food that was staying in my stomach. None.

I think that for this time, I will go with the cliche. My 21st Birthday. It still pains me to think about this one. My birthday fell on a Monday night (which was big on our campus due to sorority and fraternities having chapter meetings and everyone would go out afterward), so my friends and I went to one of the local bars to start the evening off right. There were only about three bars that were near our campus, so we made sure to hit each one so that I could get my free drinks. For my free drink at every bar, I chose a Long Island. Ugh. I figured if it was going to be free, it was going to be strong and expensive. I did shots at each bar and even managed to consume a yard of beer at the last stop. My boyfriend at the time thought it was funny to buy me Prairie Fire after Prairie Fire, so I was not drinking all girly drinks here. All in all, I did 20 shots...this was by far the biggest disappointment in my college career since I did not consume the final 21st shot. Funny story about that 21st shot: the guy that bought it for me was so proud. He brought it over and sat it on the bar in front of me with great gusto. The shot was a Melon Ball and it was glowing under the black light in the bar. I took one look at it, declared that there was, "No way I was consuming that glowing, freaky shot," and huffed off. My big sister collected our stuff and brought me back to our sorority house. I have no recollection of what happened after we entered that house. None. I only know that I woke up the next morning half-lying on our couch with my upper torso angled toward a trash can. I had my left arm wrapped around the trash can and my forehead had been resting on the edge the entire night. I woke up with a huge indentation on my forehead that I had to sport for many hours afterward. I spent the rest of the day in my bed and somehow managed to not get sick. All of my friends were so proud. Ah, the good old days of wild abandonment...


Anonymous said...

The unfortunate thing about this topic is that the wildest nights are so hard to remember!

Ahh, college.

super jane said...

i'm not sure i'll be able to contribute to this topic. i, for one, was a saint in college and never once imbibed.

MSO Rin said...

... I was there. She's right. That shot was freaky-looking. TOTALLY freaky-looking.

Wicked M said...

Sorry, I could not respond to these comments until now because, um, I was laughing too hard about super jane's comment. I mean, really. She is a saint.

But I believe that there is photographic evidence to the contrary about the drinking part, my dear! Busted! :)