Monday, November 26, 2007

I Wonder What Christmas Will Bring?

**I wrote this post in my head last night while I was drifting off to sleep, so technically it counts as a post from yesterday. Hence the date/time stamp.**

Let me start out by noting that I am not one of the people for whom Christmas begins the day after Halloween. I make a point of complaining vociferously the moment I see the first Christmas commercials and decorations because I think stores start the “holiday rush” ridiculously early, and every year it gets earlier. I grew up in a family that didn’t look for a tree until the first weekend of December and didn’t put it up until the second weekend. So I’m apologizing to myself for surrendering to this week’s wonder, I guess.

Every year, The Boy and I will start asking each other this question on or around December first: “Are we doing Christmas this year?” This is not to imply that we choose whether or not to celebrate the season or send cards or decorate. This question is shorthand for “Are we going to exchange gifts with each other this year?” To some people it might be blasphemous to admit, but we don’t plan on getting each other Christmas presents every year, without fail, surprises and secrets and stealth. The past few years we’ve always had some big purchase or event that stood in for Christmas: moving across the continent, buying our first home, a trip back East followed by a trip to Prague. But right now, there’s not too much happening in our lives that would prohibit us from doing at least a little something.

The last time we truly “did Christmas,” we set crazy-low limits on our spending, just to see how creative-yet-wonderful our gifts to each other could be. I highly recommend it, especially if nothing perfect has already come to mind for a loved one. It really does seem that the more restrictions on your gifting options, the cooler the gift ends up being.

We asked each other (well, I asked him) The Question on Sunday. For the record, folks, that was November 25. A week early … what’s become of me?!? Anyway, we never did set upon an answer, as we were distracted by the tangential conversation: “Are we going to have a holiday party?” This was asked because on January 2, we bought our Christmas cards and just happened to also make it home with cute little seasonal party invitations. (To use or not to use, that is the question; whether ‘tis nobler in the home to suffer the ‘nog and preparation of an outrageous party, or to take dip to another’s house, and by not hosting, save them?) This tangent is obviously a seductive one; sorry.

So with The Question still not answered, I wonder what will happen in a mere month? Will there be mysterious packages under our tree to each other from each other? And if so, did we make any rules about them?

Maybe I’ll let you decide, dear readers. What do you think? I’m sure I’ll be able to come up with an awesome present … should there be a theme? Price restrictions? The only thing I won’t allow is the homemade rule. Neither of us is crafty, so that would just be cruel. Suggest away! And happy shopping for your own favorite people.


Anonymous said...

I'm pondering . . . I'l get back to you!

Anonymous said...

What about this?

It can't come from the state where you currently live. It can't come from your home states. It can't come from the state you most recently moved from.

Is that just dumb? Or really, really tricky?